Uniting For Change: MOMENTUM Project Gathers in Padua

The third international meeting of the MOMENTUM project, funded by AMIF and focused on promoting access to vocational training and labor market opportunities for young migrant and refugee women, took place from May 15th to May 16th, 2023. The picturesque setting of the Antonianium training center in the beautiful city of Padua provided the perfect backdrop for this event.

Hosted by Irecoop Veneto in collaboration with Veneto Lavoro, the local network coordinator for the project in the Veneto region, the meeting aimed to evaluate the preparatory work and share implementation practices for the upcoming project phase. This phase, called the Piloting phase, involves practical training, support activities, individual coaching and mentoring sessions, as well as language courses for migrant women. These efforts are designed to facilitate their professional orientation, development of transversal skills, and understanding of the social economy, ultimately leading to improved access to the labor market.

Given the sensitivity of the target group, which comprises migrant and refugee women, it has become evident in previous phases that all activities must be tailored to their specific learning needs. Thus, the meeting in Padua held significant importance as it provided an opportunity for partners to collectively address common challenges, identify optimal solutions, and plan the next steps required to achieve maximum results, both collectively and individually.

The project's final meeting will take place in Athens, hosted by the lead partner, Action Aid Hellas. This meeting will serve as the concluding event for the project and will feature the Final European Conference, where the outcomes and achievements of the MOMENTUM project will be presented and discussed.


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