Policy and Transferability Workshop in Venice, Italy

The Policy and Transferability Workshop organized by Veneto Lavoro as part of the AMIF MOMENTUM project represented a momentous connection between the set of knowledge, experimentation, and co-design developed by the partnership during the two years of cooperation and the institutional and socio-economic eco-system of the Veneto region. 

The event brought together authorities, stakeholders and professionals from services dedicated to immigration and the socio-economic integration of foreign nationals, with the aim of raising awareness of the challenges posed by the socio-occupational integration of migrant women and stimulating reflection on possible recommendations for the promotion of an integrated governance of policies supporting the access of women into the labour market.

Key points and needs emerged from the discussions among the involved parties:

• The need to strengthen multi-stakeholder cooperation at the local level in designing and delivering flexible and modular training pathways. These pathways should not only focus on developing technical skills but also on fostering transversal skills such as communication, self-perception, and entrepreneurship.

• Planning measures to increase awareness and protection of the rights and obligations of women workers, both before and after entering the labor market.

• Encouraging the active involvement of the business world in creating work environments that value a culture of non-discrimination. This involvement should extend to planning actions to support access to the labor market and the maintenance of sustainable and adequate working conditions, including equal opportunities.

• Strengthening the skills of intercultural trainers and mediators in relation to the specific needs of the local world of work and the target group.

The intermediate results achieved by the partnership, along with the research findings from the territories and documents describing the Integrated Collaboration Framework, are available on the project's page on the institutional website of Veneto Lavoro: www.venetolavoro.it/amif-momentum. In the upcoming weeks, the recommendations collected in the five partner countries as a result of the Policy Workshops in Italy, Greece, Spain, Hungary, and Portugal will be shared in this section.


Final Momentum Results Celebrated


Our MOMENTUM: Collaborating for Employment Inclusion in Veneto, Italy