Introducing Equal@Work

A multi-stakeholder platform working in the same direction as Momentum. Momentum likes to connect dots among the initiatives aiming at building a more inclusive Europe.

On the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of slavery and the Translantic Slave Trade, momentum presents Equal@work. Launched by ENAR, it is a pioneering platform that from 2009 brings together businesses, social partners, NGOs, public authorities, and academics committed to diversity and inclusion, to find solutions so those ethnic and religious minorities can fully participate in the labour market.

These actors share best practices, explore innovative dimensions and engage in a constructive dialogue to increase the recruitment, retention and career progression of ethnic minorities and migrants and to develop creative and cutting-edge approaches making solid business sense. Momentum will seek for synergies with Equal@work to collect experiences and inputs and maximise the impact of the project’s activities.


Mapping obstacles and needs


Momentum kick-off meeting